
Donate to the GHCC

IU Foundation Information for GHCC

                                                        IU Give Now Button

The Global Health Communication Center is supported by the generosity of organizations, groups, and individuals who value health communication research and international public health initiatives.

Donations contribute to the promotion and implementation of GHCC activities focused on improving health communication efforts around the world, developing health communication programs in underserved regions, and supporting training efforts to empower local residents and professionals with the knowledge and skills to improve health communication and battle associated disease and illness within their own populations.

Your contribution is greatly appreciated! Please make checks payable to Indiana University Foundation and note the Global Health Communication Center in the memo line.

Please mail donations to:

IU Foundation PO Box 6460 Indianapolis, IN 46206-6460

or click the GIVE NOW button to contribute directly to the IU Foundation for the IUPUI Global Health Communication Center (IU GHCC at IUPUI).

 IU Give Now Button

Reach out to for any questions!